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A Guide and Key to In-door and Out-door Amusement. Two Vols. in One, containing about 500 Illustrations each, extra crown 4to, cloth, 10s. 6d.
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Amusements, Angling, Aquarium, Archery, Bagatelle, Bezique, Bicycling, Billiards, Bird-Collecting and Skinning, Boats and Boat-Sailing, Butterfly and Moth Collecting, Canoes and Canoeing, Card Games, Casting, Chess, Cricket and Cricketers, Croquet, Decalcomanie, Diaphanie, Draughts, Driving, Egg Collecting, Eggs-Ornamental, Electrotyping, Feather Work, Fencing, Firework Making, Forfeits, Games, Games of the Playground, Golf, Gymnastics, Home Pets, How to Dry and Preserve Flowers, Joinery as a Recreation, Kite Making, La Crosse, Legerdemain, Magic Lantern, Marbles, Ornamental Paper Work, Paper Flower Making, Perforated Card Work, Polo-or Hockey on Horseback, Portraits-Colouring, Potichomanie, Quoits and Bowls, Riding, Round Games, Rowing, Skating, Skeleton Leaves, Sports, Spray Work, Swimming, The Silkworm, Tops, Toy Making, Whist, Window Gardening, ZetemaTimes
1873Edition | Availability |
The Popular Recreator.: A key to in-door and out-door amusements ...
1873, Cassell, Petter & Galpin
in English
Book Details
First Sentence
"The Popular Recreator INTRODUCTION Toil rules the nation with iron hand whose finger points continuously in one direction, and says, "Work, that you may be wealthy." Education stands, with a Minerva-like smile, calm and wise, and whispers, "Learn, that you may be wise." To complete the trio, let us bring forward Recreation, bright of eye, glowing of cheek, with ruddy lip pouted to display her glistening teeth."
Edition Notes
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Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
Scriblio MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Library of Congress MARC record
Work Description
A bound edition of serially published partworks describing approximately sixty leisure activities.
Community Reviews (0)
September 15, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
December 6, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Added subjects from MARC records. |
May 20, 2010 | Edited by dorset | Description and list of subjects handled |
May 18, 2010 | Created by dorset | Hardcover, pages, pagination, weight. Changed small r in Title for capital R |