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Key Features• Objective reviews of 340 of the very best career and education sites on the Internet• Addresses for accessing free job search resources for all 50 states • Vital help for anyone looking for a job; choosing a career; selecting a college, major, or training program; applying for financial aid; updating skills; starting a business; joining the military; or temping, freelancing, volunteering, or telecommuting.New for This Edition• Tutorial on submitting your resume to online resume banks• How to manage your online job search• New sites on mentoring, professional associations, online assessments, and starting an online businessTable of ContentsIntroduction: Internet Tips and Electronic ResumesChapter 1: College and Financial Aid InformationChapter 2: Distance Learning and Lifelong LearningChapter 3: Career Exploration InformationChapter 4: Finding and Applying for Job OpeningsChapter 5: Career ClearinghousesChapter 6: Researching Employer and Labor Market InformationChapter 7: Military CareersChapter 8: Self-Employment and Small BusinessChapter 9: Temporary, Freelance, Telecommuting, and Volunteer WorkGlossaryIndex
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