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The Collins Classics Complete Sherlock Holmes includes all of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's much-loved detective stories featuring the world's favourite detective, Sherlock Holmes, plus all of Conan Doyle's other detective stories. The volume includes
all the Sherlock Homes short stories and novels, from A Study in Scarlet (1887) to The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927)
all of Conan Doyle's other masterpieces of detection, such as 'The Brazilian Cat', 'The Man with the Watches' and 'The Lost Special'
an introduction by Owen Dudley Edwards, a leading critical authority on Conan Doyle's detective stories and author of The Quest for Sherlock Holmes
a comprehensive bibliography
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Fiction, Private investigators, English Detective and mystery stories, English fiction, short stories, Action & Adventure Fiction, air guns, Americans, amorality, amyl nitrate, ancestors, Andamanese, Anglo-Saxons, anise, anonymity, aortic aneurysm, Apaces, aristocracy, arrow poisons, asphyxiation, attempted murder, banks, baritsu, barques, Battle of Maiwand, beryls, Bibliography, blackmail, bloguns, brain fever, brandy, British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author), brokers, broughams, burglary, bushrangers, busts, butlers, cabinet cards, carbuncles, catalepsy, cattle, cavaliers, Children's fiction, Children's stories, Christmas dinners, churches, classic fiction, Classic Literature, Classics, clerks, coal tar, coffee, commissionaires, Conclusions, Confederate States Army, constables, consumption, convicts, coronets, cottages, counterfeit money, crime, Crime & Mystery, Crime & Mystery Fiction, crime bosses, crime scenes, crocodiles, darkrooms, deformities, defrocking, Detective and mystery fiction, Detective and mystery stories, detective fiction, Detectives, dogs, domestic violence, Egyptian cigarettes, electric blue, elms, Encyclopædia Britannica, English children's stories, English literature, English Mastiffs, English Short stories, extortion, Fiction Classics, fingerprints, footprints, forges, frequency analysis, Fuller's earth, gangsters, gemstones, General, gold, governesses, half-pennies, handwriting, hanging, hemoglobin, History, Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, horse gaits, horse racing, horseshoes, hurdling, hydraulic presses, Indian Rebellion of 1857, Influence, Intestacy, Italians, jewellery, Justices of the Peace, Juvenile fiction, Juvenile literature, kidnapping, Ku Klux Klan, lascars, launches, lecturers, LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Literary Fiction, locked-room mysteries, long jumpers, maids, maps, meres, mixed race children, moorland, Murder, murder-suicide, Mystery, Mystery & Detective, Mystery & Suspense, Mystery and detective, Mystery and detective stories, Mystery and Suspense, Mystery fiction, Nihilism, novel, oaks, opium, opium dens, pawnbrokers, penal labour, pennies, pince-nez glasses, pioneers, plumbers, poison, police, police inspectors, preparatory schools, prima donnas, prime ministers, proofs, prospecting, race horses, ransoms, red hair, redundancy, revolvers, Rhodesian Police, riddles, Romani, rugby unions, Russians, sailing ships, scalpels, scholarship, school caps, Scottish Terriers, scrips, Second Anglo-Afghan War, secretaries of state, Shorthand, smoke bombs, snow, soft-point bullets, stick figures, stock market, study, substance abuse, substitution ciphers, suicide by hanging, Tahitian pearls, tea plantations, telegraphy, tests, Texts, The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints, thumbs, tobacco pipes, track spikes, traps, treasure, treaties, Trichinopoly cigars, tutors, wax sculptures, waylaying, weddings, whist, yellow fever, Holmes, sherlock (fictitious character), fictionPeople
Sherlock Holmes, John H. Watson, Inspector G. Lestrade, Napoleon Bonaparte, Morse Hudson, Dr. Barnicot, Horace Harker, Beppo, Pietro Venucci, House of Borgia, Lord Bellinger, Trelawney Hope, Eduardo Lucas, Hilda Trelawney Hope, Eustace Brackenstall, Stanley Hopkins, Lady Brackenstall, Jack Croker, Cyril Overton, Godfrey Staunton, Lord Mount-James, Leslie Armstrong, Pompey, Willoughby Smith, Professor Coram, Anna Coram, Hilton Soames, Gilchrist, Daulat Ras, Miles McLaren, Charles Augustus Milverton, Eva Blackwell, Arthur Conan Doyle, Thorneycroft Huxtable, Lord Saltire, Duke of Holdernesse, Heidegger, James Wilder, Reuben Hayes, Violet Smith, Mr. Carruthers, Mr. Woodley, Ralph Smith, Cyril Morton, Hilton Cubitt, Elsie Patrick, Abe Slaney, John Hector McFarlane, Jonas Oldacre, Mr. Cornelius, James Moriarty, Ronald Adair, Earl of Maynooth, Sebastian Moran, Mycroft Holmes, John H. Watson (Fictitious character), Enoch Drebber, Joseph Stangerson, Stamford, Gregson, Alice Charpentier, Constable Rance, Brigham Young, John Ferrier, Lucy, Wiggins, Jefferson Hope, Baker Street Irregulars, Mary Morstan, John Sholto, Jonathan Small, Mahomet Singh, Abdullah Khan, Dost Akbar, Toby, Tonga, Rajah, Mr. Sherman, Bartholomew, Thaddeus Sholto, Captain Morstan, Fitzroy Simpson, Silver Blaze, Colonel Ross, John Straker, Ned Hunter, William Derbyshire, Silas Brown, Inspector Gregory, Grant Munro, Effie Munro, John Hebron, Lucy Hebron, Hall Pycroft, Arthur Pinner, Harry Pinner, Victor Trevor, Mr. Trevor, Hudson, Beddoes, James Armitage, Jack Prendergast, Reginald Musgrave, Rachel Howells, Richard Brunton, King Charles I, King Charles II, Percy Trevelyan, Blessington, Percy Phelps, Charles Gorot, Annie Harrison, Violet Hunter, Jephro Rucastle, Mr. Toller, Mrs. Toller, Alice Rucastle, Alexander Holder, Arthur Holder, Mary, George Burnwell, Hatty Doran, Lord St. Simon, Francis H. Moulton, Victor Hatherley, Lysander Stark, Countess of Morcar, John Horner, Peterson, Henry Baker, Breckinridge, Mrs Oakshott, Catherine Cusack, James Ryder, Mrs. Oakshott, Kate Whitney, Isa Whitney, Neville St. Clair, Hugh Boone, John Openshaw, Openshaw, Inspector Lestrade, John Turner, Alice Turner, Charles McCarthy, James McCarthy, Patience Moran, Ballarat Gang, Mary Sutherland, Hosmer Angel, James Windibank, Hafez, Horace, Jabez Wilson, Vincent Spaulding, Duncan Ross, Police Inspector Jones, Mr. Merryweather, John Clay, Archie, Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meiningen, Irene Adler, Godfrey NortonPlaces
Scotland Yard, London, Chiswick, England, University of London, Netley, Criterion Restaurant, 221B Baker Street, St. Bartholomew's, Afghanistan, St. Petersburg, Russia, Copenhagen, Denmark; Paris, France, United States, Cleveland, Salt Lake Valley, Utah, Europe, Madame Charpentier's Boarding House, Brixton Road, Whitehall Terrace, Paris, Abbey Grange, Chislehurst, Australia, New York, Trinity College, Cambridge, University of Oxford, Strand, Baker Street, Yoxley Old Place, Chatham, Kent, Siberia, Russian Embassy, St Luke's College, South Africa, Hampstead, Priory School, Northern England, Fighting Cock Inn, Chesterfield, Farnham, Surrey, Charlington Hall, Coventry, Ridling Thorpe Manor, Norfolk, Chicago, Blackheath, Lower Norwood, Maynooth, 427 Park Lane, Kensington, Reichenbach Falls, Florence, Tibet, Lhasa, Persia, Mecca, Khartoum, Camden House, Montpellier, Denmark, Inglaterra, India, Langham Hotel, Agra Fort, Buffs, Andaman Islands, Dartmoor Prison, Brook Street, Portugal, Birmingham, Lombard Street, Paddington district, Working, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Briarbrae, Sussex, Wessex, Dartmoor, King's Pyland, Norbury, America, Goldfields region of Victoria, Hampshire, Fordingbridge, Falmouth, Copper Beeches, Winchester, Streetham, Hyde Park, Serpentine, Alpha Inn, British Museum, Covent Garden, Brixton, Upper Swandam Lane, River Thames, Horsham, West Sussex, Florida, Pondicherry, Dundee, Georgia, Texas, Savannah, North Atlantic, Boscombe Valley, Herefordshire, Boscombe Pool, Hatherley Farm, Victoria, Ballarat, Leadenhall Street, Bohemia, Scandinavia, Warsaw, Church of St. Monica, Edgware Road, Charing Cross railway stationTimes
1894, 1894-1901, 1895, 1878, 1881, 1847, 1888, 1857, December 1878, 1882, 1889, 1890s, 1869, March 1883, 2 May 1883, 4 January 1885, March 1869, Reconstruction era, January/February 1883, January 1885Edition | Availability |
Complete Sherlock Holmes & other detective stories
1994, HarperCollins Publishers
in English
0004706919 9780004706917
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January 19, 2024 | Edited by bicolino34 | Bulk tagging works |
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November 27, 2022 | Edited by mheimanbot | Fixed author redirect |
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