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"My death - is it possible?".
That is the question asked, explored, and analyzed in Jacques Derrida's new book. "Is my death possible?" How is this question to be understood? How and by whom can it be asked, can it be quoted, can it be an appropriate question, and can it be asked in the appropriate moment, the moment of "my death"?
One of the aporetic experiences touched upon in this seminal essay is the impossible, yet unavoidable experience that "my death" can never be subject to an experience that would be properly mine, that I can have and account for, yet that there is, at the same time, nothing closer to me and more properly mine than "my death.".
This book bears a special significance because in it Derrida focuses on an issue that has informed the whole of his work up to the present. For the last thirty years, Derrida has repeatedly, in various contexts and various ways, broached the question of aporia. Making it his central concern here Derrida stakes out a new frontier, at which the debate with his work must take place from now on: the debate about the aporia between singularity and generality, about the national, linguistic, and cultural specificity of experience and the trans-national, trans-cultural law that protects this specificity; the aporia of the necessity to continue working in the tradition of critique and of the idea of critique, yet the corresponding necessity to transcend it without compromising it; the apoetical obligation to host the foreigner and the alien and yet to respect him, her, or it as foreign.
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Previews available in: English
Belief and doubt, Death, ContradictionEdition | Availability |
Aporias: Morir--esperarse (En) Los "Limites De La Verdad" / Dying--awaiting (One Another At) the "Limits of Truth" (Studio)
April 17, 1998, Ediciones Paidos Iberica
in Spanish
- Tra edition
844930539X 9788449305399
Apories: mourir--s'attendre aux "limites de la vérité"
1996, Galilée, GALILEE
in French
2718604611 9782718604619
Apories: Mourir--s'attendre aux "limites de la verite" (Incises)
1996, Galilee
Unknown Binding
in French
2718604611 9782718604619
Aporias: dying--awaiting (one another at) the "limits of truth" (mourir--s'attendre aux "limites de la vérité")
1993, Stanford University Press
in English
0804722331 9780804722339
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