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Previews available in: English
Politics and government, Cold War, Diplomatic history, American Espionage, Regime change, Intervention (International law), Foreign relations, History, Cold war, Intervention (international law), Espionage, Latin america, foreign relations, United states, foreign relations, latin america, Latin america, politics and government, United states, foreign relations, 1945-1989Places
United States, Latin AmericaTimes
20th century, 1948-1980, 1980-, 1945-1989Edition | Availability |
The killing zone: the United States wages Cold War in Latin America
2011, Oxford University Press, Oxford University Press, USA
in English
0195333233 9780195333237
Book Details
Table of Contents
Roots of Cold War interventions
The Kennan Corollary
Guatemala : the mother of interventions
War against Cuba
No more Cubas : the Kennedy and Johnson doctrines
Military dictators : Cold War allies
Cold War horrors : Central America.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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