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Previews available in: English
Crop insurance, Disaster relief, Agricultural insurancePlaces
United StatesEdition | Availability |
Agriculture disaster and crop insurance: background and issues
2011, Nova Science Publishers, Nova Science Publishers Inc.
in English
1617615595 9781617615597
Book Details
Table of Contents
Agricultural disaster assistance / Dennis A. Shields, Ralph M. Chite
A whole-farm crop disaster program: supplemental revenue assistance payments (SURE) / Dennis A. Shields
Crop insurance and disaster assistance in the 2008 farm bill / Ralph M. Chite, Randy Schnepf
Federal crop insurance: background and issues / Dennis A. Shields
Renegotiation of the standard reinsurance agreement (SRA) for federal crop insurance / Dennis A. Shields
USDA crop disaster programs: lessons learned can improve implementation of new crop assistance program / GAO
Crop insurance: opportunities exist to reduce the costs of administering the program / GAO.
Edition Notes
Includes index.
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