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Igneous Rocks, Petrology, Rocks, IgneousEdition | Availability |
Text-book of petrology: containing a summary of the modern theories of petrogenesis, a description of the rock-forming minerals, and a synopsis of the chief types of the igneous rocks and their distribution as illustrated by the British Isles
1910, S. Sonnenschein & Co., Lim., The Macmillan Co.
- 6th ed.--rev.
Text-book of petrology: containing a description of the rock-forming minerals and a synopsis of the chief types of igneous rocks.
1903, Sonnenschein
in English
- 3rd ed.
Textbook of petrology: containing a description of the rock forming minerals and synopsis of the chief types of igneous rocks.
1892, S. Sonnenschein
in English
- 2nd ed. --
Text-book of petrology: containing a description of the rock-forming minerals and a synopsis of the chief types of igneous rocks
1892, S. Sonnenschein & Co., Macmillan & Co.
in English
- [2d ed.]
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