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Cathy, an aspiring artist who is still getting over her father's death, becomes embroiled in a mystery after discovering that her ex-boyfriend--who appears only a few years older than herself--is actually more than two hundred years old.
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Teenage girls, Chinese, Diaries, Chinese Americans, Juvenile fiction, Fiction, Science fiction, Immortality, Immortalism, Mystery fiction, Dating (Social customs), Teenagers, Internet games, Children's fiction, Internet, fiction, Friendship, fiction, Specimens, Toy and movable books, Mysteries (Young Adult), Juvenile Fiction, Children's 12-Up - Fiction - General, Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9), Mysteries, Espionage, & Detective Stories, Interactive Adventure, Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction, Adventure and adventurers, fiction, Girls, fictionPlaces
United States, San Francisco (Calif.)Edition | Availability |
Cathy's book: si vous trouvez ce carnet, merci d'écrire à
2013, Bayard jeunesse
in French
- Nouvelle éd.
2747048950 9782747048958
02 |
03 |
Cathy's book: if found call (650) 266-8233
2008, Running Press
in English
- 1st pbk. ed.
0762433469 9780762433469
Cathy's book: if found call (650) 266-8233
2008, Running Press
in English
- 1st pbk. ed.
0762433469 9780762433469
Cathy's Book: If Found Call (650) 266-8283
February 25, 2008, Running Press Kids
in English
- Reprint edition
0762433469 9780762433469
07 |
Il diario di Cathy: in caso di smarrimento chiamare: 335-1000586
2007, Mondadori
in Italian
880456587X 9788804565871
Cathy's Book: If Found Call 650-266-8233
September 12, 2006, Running Press Kids
in English
076242656X 9780762426560
10 |
Book Details
Edition Notes
Sequel: Cathy's key.
Includes an excerpt from the authors' Cathy's key : if found call (650) 266-8202.
Fold-out cover.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Work Description
This is a journal belonging to high school un-enthusiast, Cathy. A smart-alek, sarcastic, independent, "wanna-be" artist whose boyfriend up and leaves her one day. Insulted, angry, and confused, Cathy details her tale of finding out why through her journal. The journal is written so Cathy's best friend, Emma, can find Cathy through using Cathy's story, her clues and "evidence" left in the journal (pictures, receipts, items she found) and Cathy's comments and doodles in the margins and pages of the journal.
This book is written to be set with alternative reality game elements and written in a informal manner using text lingo, im chats, and handwritten notes from Cathy.
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