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Talmud, CommentariesEdition | Availability |
Ḥidushe Ḥatam Sofer: ʻal Masekhtot Nazir--Soṭah
2009, Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim ṿe-ḥeḳer kitve-yad ʻal-shem ha-Ḥatam Sofer, zal
in Hebrew
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Edition Notes
"Mofiʻa ba-paʻam ha-rishonah mi-tokh kitve-yadaṿ ha-ḳedoshim umi-tokh mah she-luḳaṭ mi-kol sifre maran ha-meḥaber, zal, ḥidushaṿ u-veʼuraṿ li-masekhtot elu."
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