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Ever since that fateful day several hundred years ago when a Scottish shepherd first struck a rock with a shillelagh, perhaps no single athletic pursuit has brought man more joy and frustration, more fulfillment and utter despair than the game of golf. It has been said by many that it is a microcosm of life itself, a beautiful game which tests the mind, body, and spirit. As a testament to that, there has been no shortage of inspired writing on the topic, as golf has long caught the interest and imagination of some of the world's finest and most celebrated writers. Contributors include P.G. Wodehouse, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Bernard Darwin, Ring Lardner, Horace Hutchinson, Charles E. Van Loan, A.A. Milne, Francis Ouimet, and many more.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Classic golf stories: twenty-six incredible tales from the links
2012, Skyhorse Publishing
in English
1616083816 9781616083816
Classic golf stories: twenty incredible tales from the links
2003, Lyons, Windsor
in English
1585747173 9781585747177
Classic golf stories: twenty incredible tales from the links
2003, Lyons, Windsor
in English
1585747173 9781585747177
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