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The fundamental idea of the current publication emphasizes the characteristics of the
processes related to administrative convergence and reform in the South-Eastern European
Of course the area under review is quite wide and complex and therefore our approach aims to
comprise only a few characteristics.
Encompassing various geo-political aspects, political heritages enhancing that diversity as
well as endemic socio-cultural traditions, the public administrations in the South-Eastern
European states have faced a definite option for restoring democracy and accomplishing
reforms according to the principles and values of the European Administrative Space, in the
past two decades.
For the time being other questions emerge and others remain still open. Which is the most
adequate model for the administrative reform, which are the most efficient mechanisms and
tools triggering its accomplishment and implementation?
Lacking a formalized acquis communautaire on the processes related to administrative
reform, their diversity has enhanced and the conditions for so called administrative
convergence have multiplied. The research reports achieved and presented in the current
publication emphasise the progress in implementing the democratic processes of central and
local governance which do not lead however to convergence, being definitely relevant for the
processes related to administrative dynamics.
Various political experiences undergone by the states under review in the second half of the
20th century have induced attitudes and behaviours mainly of subordination and loss of
identity of the organizations in national public administrations. That situation persisting in the
South-Eastern European space creates difficulties and unbalances in the dialogue and
cooperation with the public administrations of Western European states. The state itself is
weak, determining a lack of finality for the administrative reforms. The processes of
administrative convergence have become more complex and complicate as the EU
administration is searching a model and it is attempting to define an identity.
The traditional models of administration, based on a hierarchic bureaucracy are overcome and
the model of EU administration could not be found by a transfer or enlargement of an
administrative model belonging to one or several states.
Therefore, we should acknowledge that the processes related to administrative convergence
and reform are profoundly integrated in a complex context, with globalizing valences,
benefiting of profound mechanisms, enhancing the interdependence and systemic character of
the developments of national public administrations.
The current volume incorporates contributions of South-Eastern European universities
(National School of Political Studies and Public Administration – Romania, New Bulgarian
University – Bulgaria, University of the Aegean - Greece or University of Rijeka – Croatia, as
well as of international organizations – European Public Law Organization – Greece.
In the above briefly described context, the studies reveal both comparative aspects, strategies
of administrative reform or significant developments of administrative convergence and
conceptual models aimed to contribute to the debates on EU administrative and organizational
future or contemporary developments of EU administrative law.
The reports were achieved in the framework of Jean Monnet project “South-Eastern European
developments on the administrative convergence and enlargement of the European
Administrative Space in Balkan states“ and provide an overview close to the realities on
specificity of administrative processes in South-Eastern European states
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Edition | Availability |
Administrative Convergence and Reforms in South-Eastern European States: Analysis,Models and Comparative Studies
2011, The Economica Publishing House
in English
9737095359 9789737095350
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April 6, 2011 | Edited by | Edited without comment. |
April 6, 2011 | Edited by | Edited without comment. |
April 6, 2011 | Created by | Added new book. |