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In revising this popular book, Ben Shneiderman again provides a complete, current, and authoritative introduction to user-interface design. The user interface is the part of every computer system that determines how people control and operate that system. When the interface is well designed, it is comprehensible, predictable, and controllable; users feel competent, satisfied, and responsible for their actions.
Shneiderman discusses the principles and practices needed to design such effective interaction.
Based on 20 years experience, Shneiderman offers readers practical techniques and guidelines for interface design. He also takes great care to discuss underlying issues and to support conclusions with empirical results. Interface designers, software engineers, and product managers will find this book an invaluable resource for creating systems that facilitate rapid learning and performance, yield low error rates, and generate high user satisfaction.
Coverage includes the human factors of interactive software (with a new discussion of diverse user communities), tested methods to develop and assess interfaces, interaction styles such as direct manipulation for graphical user interfaces, and design considerations such as effective messages, consistent screen design, and appropriate color.
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Previews available in: English
Human-computer interaction, User interfaces (Computer systems), System design, Human--computer interaction, Interactive computer systems, Operating systems & graphical user interfaces (GUIs), Software engineering, Computers, Computers - Languages / Programming, Computer Books: Languages, Programming - Software Development, Computers / Programming / Software Development, User interfaces (Computer syst, Interaction homme-machine (Informatique), Interfaces utilisateurs (Informatique), Benutzeroberfläche, Dialogsystem, Ergonomie, Graphische Benutzeroberfläche, Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, Softwareentwicklung, Softwareergonomie, Gebruikersinterfaces, Interface homem-computador, Processamento eletrônico de dados, Ciência da computação, Computer software, Human factors, User-computer interface, Software design, Qa76.9.h85 s54 1998, Qa 76.9 .h85 s558d 1998, 004/.01/9Book Details
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