An edition of Piloto und Lassie (2011)

Piloto und Lassie

Romeo und Julia einmal tierisch anders


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Last edited by Dulce Rodrigues
July 20, 2011 | History
An edition of Piloto und Lassie (2011)

Piloto und Lassie

Romeo und Julia einmal tierisch anders

A play dear to lovers of all ages.

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A play dear to lovers of all ages.
Piloto und Lassie, Romeo und Julia einmal tierisch anders, has a realistic and refreshingly naive speech and deals with children's everyday life. It takes inspiration both from the classic tale by its realistic features and from the contemporary tale by its fantasy. Let's mention for example that animals can speak and, when in the absence of their masters, they create and evolve into complicity, even into an identification with their favourite readers - children. When in the presence of their masters, however, they become what the latter see or want to see in them... and what they really are - dogs living and acting simply as dogs. In this play, dogs and children look so much alike and understand each other so well in the universe they share away from that of adults, that the author of "The Little Prince" would certainly have loved this tale. With nursery rhymes and the lyric of "O sole mio". Also two easy recipes.

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July 20, 2011 Edited by Dulce Rodrigues Edited without comment.
July 20, 2011 Created by Dulce Rodrigues Added new book.