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Great BritainEdition | Availability |
Principles of medical law
2010, Oxford University Press
in English
- 3rd ed.
0199544409 9780199544400
Book Details
Table of Contents
The organization of health care / Christopher Newdick
Regulating health care professions / Mary O'Rourke and Jonathan Holl-Allen
Duties in contract and tort / Rachael Mulheron
Breach of duty / Philippa Whipple and Philip Havers
Actions arising from birth / Stephen Todd
Causation and defences / Richard Goldberg
Institutional liability / Keith Syrett
Consent to treatment : the competent patient / David Lock
The test for capacity / David Lock and James Munby
Consent to treatment : patients lacking capacity and children / James Munby
Mental health law / Judith Laing and Nicola Glover-Thomas
Confidentiality and data protection / Shaun Pattinson and Deryck Beyleveld
Clinical research / Jean McHale
Medically assisted reproduction / Michael Freeman
Reproductive genetics / Michael Freeman
Abortion / Emily Jackson
The regulation of medicinal products and medical devices / Christopher Hodges
Products liability / Harvey Teff
The legal regulation of human material / Jean McHale
Patenting and the human body / Graeme Laurie
Ending life / Jonathan Herring
Death / Kenyon Mason.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Physical Object
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