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Transnationalism, Labor, HistoryPlaces
AmericaEdition | Availability |
Workers across the Americas: the transnational turn in labor history
2011, Oxford University Press
in English
0199731632 9780199731633
Book Details
Table of Contents
Another World history is possible : reflections on the translocal, transnational, and global / John D. French
Historians of the world : transnational forces, nation-states, and the practice of U.S. history / Julie Greene
Transnational labor history : promise and perils / Neville Kirk
Labor history as world history : linking regions over time / Aviva Chomsky
Overlapping spaces : transregional and transcultural / Dirk Hoerder
Transnational migration : a new historical phenomenon? / Vic Satzewich
"black service...white money" : the peculiar institution of military labor in the British Army during the Seven Years' War / Peter Way
"We speak the same language in the new world: : capital, class, and community in Mexico's "American century" / Steven J. Bachelor
Indigenous labor in mid-nineteenth-century British North America : the Mi'kmaq of Cape Breton and Squamish of British Columbia in comparative perspective / Andrew Parnaby
"De facto Mexicans" : coffee workers and nationality on the Guatemalan-Mexican border, 1913-1941 / Catherine Nolan-Ferrell
"No right to layettes or nursing time" : maternity leave and the question of U.S. exceptionalism / Eileen Boris
The battle within the home : development strategies and the commodification of caring labors at the 1975 International Women's Year Conference / Jocelyn Olcott
Feminizing white slavery in the United States : Marcus Braun and the transnational traffic in white bodies, 1890-1910 / Gunther Peck
Patronage and progress : the Bracero program from the perspective of Mexico / Michael Snodgrass
Unspoken exclusions : race, nation, and empire in the immigration restrictions of the 1920s in North America and the greater Caribbean / Lara Putnam
Claiming political space : workers, municipal socialism, and the reconstruction of local democracy in transnational perspective / Shelton Stromquist
A migrating revolution : Mexican political organizers and their rejection of American assimilation, 1920-1940 / John H. Flores
Fugitive slaves across North America / Jeffrey R. Kerr-Ritchie
Movable type : Toronto's transnational printers, 1866-1872 / Jacob Remes
Global sea or national backwater? The International Labor Organization and the quixotic quest for maritime standards, 1919-1945 / Leon Fink.
Edition Notes
"Associate editors, Eileen Boris, John D. French, Julie Greene, Joan Sangster, Shelton Stromquist."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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