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La contessina: drama giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio teatro = Den unge grevinde : et Instigt synge-spil ak forestilles paa den Kongelige Skueplads
1778, Trykt hos H.J. Grane, boende i Knabroestrædet
in Danish
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Edition Notes
U.S. RISM Libretto Project.
Three acts; libretto in Italian and Danish on facing pages; added title page in Italian; p. 100-101 apparently filmed twice.
"Musiken er af Hr. Floriano Gasman"--p. 3.
Personerne: DEN UNGE GREVINDE. Mad. Mariane Guidi -- LINDORO. Hr. Johan Baptist Ristorini -- GAZETTA. Hr. Ludwig Paganelli -- BEATRICE. Jfr. Anna Potenza -- PANCRAZIO. Hr. Jens Musted -- VESPINA. Mad. Francisca Ronzi Paganelli -- BACELLONE. Hr. Joseph Buffeli--p. 3.
Performance: København, Kongelige Skueplads, 1778.
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