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"Through an analysis of UN operations including international territorial administration, refugee camps, peacekeeping, the implementation of sanctions and the provision of humanitarian aid, Guglielmo Verdirame shows that the powers exercised by the UN carry a serious risk of human rights abuse. The International Law Commission has codified and developed the law of institutional responsibility, but, while indispensable, these principles and rules cannot on their own ensure compliance and accountability. The 'liberty deficit' of the UN and of other international organisations, thus remains an urgent legal and political problem. Some solutions may be available; indeed, recent state and institutional practice offers interesting examples in this respect. But at a fundamental level we need to ask ourselves whether, judged on the basis of the principle of liberty, the power shift from states to international organisations is always beneficial"--
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Human rights, United Nations, United nationsEdition | Availability |
The Un and Human Rights: Who Guards The Guardians?
Aug 22, 2013, Cambridge University Press
1107617472 9781107617476
un and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians?
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
1139116223 9781139116220
un and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians?
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
1139114050 9781139114059
Un and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians?
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
1283295482 9781283295482
un and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians?
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
1139118390 9781139118392
The UN and human rights: who guards the guardians?
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
0521841909 9780521841900
un and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians?
2011, Cambridge University Press
in English
0511862687 9780511862687
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Library of Congress MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
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