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There is new and exciting evidence for the 'Big Bang'. This book is about the 'Big Mystery: Where did human beings come from?' It traces the material part of our origins from the Big Bang through evolution, including the almost 7 million year hominid sequence up to the first humans in Africa over 150,000 years ago. That data doesn't seem to explain what paleontologists and archaeologists call the 'Big Bang of Human Consciousness'. In his fascinating, accessible and thorough study, renowned priest and academic Brendan Purcell shows the complementarity that scientists, theologians, and philosophers bring to a deeper understanding of the mystery of human existence and human consciousness, suggesting,that humans are better understood as an unprecedented cultural and spiritual event.
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Catholic Church, Human evolutionEdition | Availability |
From Big Bang to Big Mystery: Human Origins in the Light of Creation and Evolution
2012, New City Press
in English
1565484339 9781565484337
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Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
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