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Group theory, Associative rings and algebras -- Rings and algebras arising under various constructions -- Group rings, Combinatorics -- Enumerative combinatorics -- Asymptotic enumeration, Associative rings and algebras -- Hopf algebras, quantum groups and related topics -- Hopf algebras and their applications, Associative rings and algebras -- Modules, bimodules and ideals -- Module categories, Group theory and generalizations -- Special aspects of infinite or finite groups -- Braid groups; Artin groups, Number theory -- Finite fields and commutative rings (number-theoretic aspects) -- Algebraic coding theory; cryptography, Nonassociative rings and algebras -- Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras -- Vertex operators; vertex operator algebras and related structures, Congresses, Group theory and generalizations -- Representation theory of groups -- Ordinary representations and characters, Associative algebras, Combinatorial enumeration problems, Group theory and generalizations -- Representation theory of groups -- Representations of finite groups of Lie type, Associative rings and algebras -- Local rings and generalizations -- Quasi-Frobenius rings, Combinatorial analysis, Number theoryEdition | Availability |
Groups, algebras and applications: XVIII Latin American Algebra Colloquium, August 3-8, 2009, São Pedro, SP, Brazil
2011, American Mathematical Society
in English
0821852396 9780821852392
Book Details
Table of Contents
Machine generated contents note:
Linear codes over Fq[u]/(ut) -- R. Alfaro
Globalization theorems for partial Hopf (co)actions, and some of their applications -- E. Batista
On Nichols algebras associated to simple racks -- L. Vendramin
Pointed Hopf algebras with standard braiding are generated in degree one -- A. Garcia Iglesias
Asymptotics of Young tableaux in the (k,l) hook -- A. Regev
Classification of irreducible representations over finite simple Lie conformal superalgebras -- J.I. Liberati
Pure gaps and bounds for the generalized Hamming weights of Goppa codes -- C. Carvalho
Exact divisibility of exponential sums over the binary field via the covering method -- I. M. Rubio
All hereditary torsion theories are higher differential -- A. Sant'Ana
A categorical approach to classical and quantum Schur-Weyl duality -- A. Molev
Partial actions: a survey -- M. Dokuchaev
On free associative algebras linearly graded by finite groups -- L. S. I. Murakami
Gelfand-Tsetlin categories -- M. Saorin
On growth of codimensions of Jordan algebras -- E. Zelmanov
Geometric Weil representations for star-analogues of SL(2, κ) -- J. Soto-Andrade
Exceptional sequences, braid groups and clusters -- K. Igusa
Spherical distributions of some generalized Gelfand pairs attached to the Heisenberg group -- L. Saal
On the linearity and quasi-cyclicity of the Gray image of codes over a Galois ring -- H. Tapia-Recillas
Some applications of Frobenius algebras to Hopf algebras -- M. Lorenz.
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