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The effects of fuel burnup, fission product poisoning, and hydrogen moderator density variation on reactivity in the AGN-201 reactor are considered. A modified one-group perturbation theory is developed and applied to changes in parameters resulting from a change in hydrogen moderator density. An equation for the reactivity change is obtained for three models: a bare cylindrical core, a bare core using extrapolated dimensions, and a reflected core. These three equations are then used to predict values of the reactivity increase resulting from interchanging in a new 3/4 inch thick fuel disk with comparable fuel disks presently in the core. The results obtained by a digital computer solution of the reactivity equations reveal that the increase in reactivity varies from 0.4392 to 0.7707%, depending upon the core model and position of the old disk within the core. Because the license of the Naval Postgraduate School does not permit a value of excess reactivity above 0.40%, it is concluded that a simple interchange of disks in this manner would produce too large a value of excess reactivity.
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A study of reactivity changes in the AGN-20l reactor using perturbation theory
1969, Naval Postgraduate School
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in English
Book Details
Edition Notes
Thesis Advisor(s): Marto, P. J.
"June 1969."
Description based on title screen as viewed on June 2, 2010.
DTIC Descriptor(s): (Research Reactors, Reactor Reactivity), Reactor Cores, Fuel Burn Up, Fission Product Poisoning, Polyethylene Plastics, Perturbation Theory, Computer Programs, Theses.
Author(s) subject terms: Perturbation, Polyethylene, Fermi Age, Extrapolation, Neutron Temperature, Samarium.
Thesis (M.S. in Mechanical Engineering)--Naval Postgraduate School, June 1069.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 88).
"Approved for public release, distribution unlimited"--Cover.
Also available in print.
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader.
US Navy (USN) author.
daw/ record upgraded 6/2/10
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