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Bread for the people: the archaeology of mills and milling : proceedings of a colloquium held in the British School at Rome, 4th-7th November 2009
2011, Archaeopress
in English
1407308483 9781407308487
Book Details
Table of Contents
Keynote address. Why dig a millstone quarry? The case of Claix in the south west of France (5th-19th centuries) / A. Belmont
Ethnography. Les meules en pays Minyanka (Mali): etude des carrières et techniques de production actuelles / C. Hamon and V. Le Gall
The hand-mills of Olymbos: an ethnographical study of their form, function and role in a Greek village / H. Parton
Pre-Roman. Visualising the invisible: re-discoverying the ancient grinding stone quarries of the Aswan West Bank, Egypt / E. Bloxam
Manufacturing rotary querns in the 4th century BC fortified settlement of ElsVilars (Arbeca, Catalonia, Spain) / N. Alonso ... [et al.]
Still using your saddle quern? A compilation of the oldest known rotary querns in western Europe / S. Wefers
The earliest rotary querns in southern England / D. Peacock and L. Cutler
Rotary querns from the late La Tène found in the Oppidum of Heidengraben: a new type of volcanic rock and its origin / A. Lehmkuhl
Roman. First century querns of the Roman army, in the light of modern texts / F. Jodry
A newly identified milling artefact from Roman Britain / M. Watts
Pompeian millstones in France / L. Jaccottey and S. Longepierre
A note on Pompeian style mills in Britain / D.F. Williams and D. Peacock
Hertfordshire Puddingstone querns: working with a difficult rock / C. Green
Hand and 'donkey' mills of North African farms / M. De Vos, R. Attoui and M. Andreoli
Volcanic quern and millstone quarries in Cabo de Gata and Campo de Calatrava, Spain / T. Anderson, T. Grenne and Juan Manuel Fernández Soler
Medieval. Querns as markers for the determination of medieval northern European trade spheres / M. Pohl
Of cakes and kings: bread-making in early medieval England / C. Coulter
Les meulières de l'Ile de Minorque: trente-neuf sites industriels d'époque Andalousi (Xè-XIIIè siècles) / J. Sanchez Navarro
Rotary hand-querns in volcanic stone in the medieval Mediterranean / P. Arthur
Production, commercialisation et qualitè de meules à main et de meules à moulin dans l'Italie médiévale: un bilan de la recherche historique et archéologique / P. Galetti
Ore grinding in the Middle Ages: the example of Brandes-en-Oisans (Isère, France) / N. Minveille Larousse and M.-C. Bailley-Maître
Post Medieval. The study of America's millstone quarries: past research and future directions / C.D. Hockensmith
La fabrication d'une meule en emeri et ciment magnésien / J.P. Duc
La fouille du moulin à vent de Roissy-en-France (Val-d'Oise), France / J-Y. Dufour
Millstone quarries in southern Spain: preliminary pinpointing of provenance and production: exploiting the Internet / T. Anderson and J.H. Scarrow
Multiperiod. Quern and millstone quarries in the north of Spain / P. Pascual Mayoral and P. García Ruiz
Seven thousand years of millstone production in the Serre Mountain Range of the French Jura / L. Jaccottey
The widening use of Lodsworth Stone: neolithic to Romano-British quern distribution / R. Shaffrey and F. Roe
The rise and fall of the Hyllestad millstone quarry landscape, Western Norway / T. Heldal and G.B. Meyer
Theory, methodology and education. The function of querns / S. Watts
The millstone quarries in Hyllestad: an arena of research and education / I. Baug and T. Løland
Les meules de l'Esterel (Var, France) un diagnostic par SIG / A. Buisson
Evolution typologique et tecchnique des meules du Néolithique à l'an mille sur le territoire Français (poster) / Le Groupe Meule.
Edition Notes
"...contains a series of papers that resulted from the proceedings of Bread for the people: a colloqiuium on the archaeology of mills and milling..."--P. ix.
Includes bibliographical references.
Papers in English and French.
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