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This thesis sought to provide lessons learned, recommendations and provoke thought among medical logisticians on the use of benchmarking. The researcher used a single case research strategy to assess how successful the Materials Management Department at the Naval Medical Center San Diego has been in implementing benchmarking as suggested by strategic objective 2.5.43 of the 1994 draft of the Navy Medical Logistics Strategic Plan. Information on the implementation of benchmarking in the Materials Management Department was based upon a questionnaire, document reviews and direct observation. The research included reading and reviewing the current literature on benchmarking to compare private sector thinking with current practices in the Materials Management Department. The benchmarking case used the Ten-Step Department of the Navy Benchmarking Model and interview questions. The analysis and conclusions are based upon the initial research questions and the framework of the critical success factors for a benchmarking study. The results of the case suggest a cost-benefit analysis was done to purchase sterilization equipment.
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Previews available in: English
A case study of the Materials Management Department at the Naval Medical Center San Diego benchmarking effort
1997, Naval Postgraduate School, Available from National Technical Information Service
in English
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Edition Notes
Thesis advisors, Linda E. Wargo and Erik Jansen.
AD-A330 992.
Thesis (M.S. in Management) Naval Postgraduate School, March 1997.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-65)
Item missing in circ. 8/98 per fl (bar code#32768003358193 c.2) d.k. 9/17/98.
dk/dk cc:9116 10/24/97
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