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The sum difference surface current formulation is introduced to treat electromagnetic boundary value problems when anisotropic impedances are specified on both sides of a surface. It can also be applied to impedance coated bodies. This formulation preserves the duality nature of Maxwell equations and carries it over into the algebraic form of the integrodifferential operators in the equations for surface currents. Since a 90 rotation is equivalent to undergoing a duality transform for an incident plane wave, this particular symmetry in the algebraic form of the operators leads to sufficient conditions under which the on-axis backscattering of an anisotropic impedance coated scatterer having a 90 rotational symmetry is eliminated. The sum difference formulation is utilized for solving the problem of electromagnetic scattering from an anisotropically impedance coated tubular cylinder of finite length. The solution has been coded in FORTRAN and tested. Some interesting results are presented and discussed.
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Electromagnetic scattering of an anisotropically coated tubular cylinder
1997, Naval Postgraduate School, Available from National Technical Information Service
in English
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Dissertation supervisor, Hung-Mou Lee.
AD-A331 929.
Dissertation (Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering) Naval Postgraduate School, March 1997.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 113)
dk/dk cc:9116 11/19/97.
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