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Love, Homosexuality, Friendship, SexEdition | Availability |
Sex, love, and friendship: studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003
2011, Rodopi
in English
9042033681 9789042033689
Book Details
Table of Contents
Why lovers can't be friends / James Conlon
Feminism and promiscuity / Linda LeMoncheck
Clarifying the question, "What is this thing called love?" / Ronald Suter
Just friends, friends and lovers, or ...? / Caroline J. Simon
Morality of teenage sex and its implications for sex education / Robert Van Wyk
Burden of initiation / Robert Rosenfeld
Complexity of "no" : a response to Rosenfeld / Louisa Lee Moon
Prostitution and date rape : The commodification of consent / Louisa Lee Moon
Participation or consent : a response to Moon / Robert Rosenfeld
Can a stoic love? / William O. Stephens
Gender politics and the cross-dresser / Patrick Hopkins
Spinoza in love / Steven Barbone
Whither romantic love / David Mertz
Commitment and the bond of love / Stanislas Marcus van Hooft
Reply to van Hooft / Marshall Missner
Virtue ethics and adultery / Raja Halwani
Critical response to "Virtue ethics and adultery" / Ana Victoria (Viki) Soady
Sexual experience / Nikolay Milkov
Desire and Arousal / Al Spangler
Wise woman versus manic man : Diotima and Alcibiades in Plato's Symposium / William O. Stephens
Wounded eros / Lee David Perlman
Self-respect and loving others / Barbara S. Andrew
Gender, justice within the family, and the commitments of liberalism / Robert F. Card
Comments on Robert Card's "Gender, justice within the family, and the commitments of liberalism" / Cindy Holder
IUDs, STIs, and DNA : reconsidering Hume's modesty proposal / Sheldon Wein
Commentary on Sheldon Wein's "IUDs, STIs, and DNA : reconsidering Hume's modesty proposal" / Jennifer Parks
Marital pluralism : making marriage safer for love / Eric M. Cave
Commentary on Eric M. Cave's "Marital pluralism : making marriage safer for love" / Wendy Lynne Lee
Embracing gayness with integrity / Carol V.A. Quinn
Comments on Quinn's "Embracing gayness with integrity" / Raja Halwani
Respons to Raja Halwani's comments / Carol V.A. Quinn
Sexual use and what to do about it : internalist and externalist sexual ethics / Alan Soble
Love and virtue / Raja Halwani
Commentary on Raja Halwani's "Love and virtue" / Marianne Janack
Marriage laws and gender discrimination : the anti-miscegnation analogy / John M. Orlando
Same-sex marrige and gender discrimination : a response to Orlando / Jo Trigilio
Jung and Plato on individualtion / Martha C. Beck
A response to Martha C. Beck's ":Jung and Plato on individualtion" / Ashley Pryor
Friendship amongst the self-sufficient : Epicurus / Andrew J. Mitchell
If friendship hurts, an Epicurean deserts : a reply to Andrew Mitchell / William O. Stephens
Dialectic of love and freedom : does it constitute a fifth form of love? / Caroline W. Meline
Love, freedom, and self-knowledge : a response to Meline / Barbara S. Andrew
Aristotelian love-making / Erik J. Wielenburg
Conscious experience, awkwardness, and virtue : reply to Wielenburg / Edward L .Abrams
Examining the bonds and bounds of friendship / Andrew I. Cohen
Comments on Andrew I. Cohen's "Examining the bonds and bounds of friendship" / Diane Jeske
Insights from the straight-jacket : epistemological concerns expressed by religiously motivated anti-queer sentiments / Ludger Viefhues-Bailey
Comments on Ludger Viefhues-Bailey's "Insights from the straight-jacket" / Carol V.A. Quinn
Temperance and sexual ethics / Raja Halwani
Comments on Raja Halwani's "Temperance and sexual ethics" / Carol V.A. Quinn
Transformation of the husband/wife relationship during exile : letters from Cicero and Ovid / Sabine Grebe
Separated spouses and equal partners : Cicero, Ovid, and marriage at a distance / William O. Stephens
Aristotle and Kant on self-knowledge and self-disclosure through friendship / Andrea Veltman
Comments onf Alan Soble's Pornography, sex, and feminism / Mane Hajdin
Pornography, dignity, and polysemicity : comments on Alan Soble's Pornography, sex, and feminism / Linda Williams
Comments on Alan Soble's Pornography, sex, and feminism / Kathleen J. Wininger
Exploring Sartrean desire : men, women, and authentic relationship / Betty Woodman
Sartrean desire : commentary on Woodman / Benjamin A. Gorman
Sexual liberalism and seduction / Eric M. Cave
Comments on Eric M. Cave's "Sexual liberalism and seduction / Mary MacLeod
Virtue and the value of affective transformation / Susan Stark
Affective transformation and the Kantian moral outlook : comments on Susan Stark / Karen Stohr.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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