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Terrified to compete in the Maiden Games against the mean witches from the neighboring Grimm school because her nasty stepmother Malodora, a powerful witch, is a judge, Snow White calls upon her best friends Rapunzel, Ella, and Rose for much needed support. The Maiden Games are fast approaching and Snow White is frozen with fear. It's bad enough that Princess School will be facing off against the nasty witches who attend the nearby Grimm School. But Snow's awful stepmother, Malodora, is one of the Grimm School's judges, and her icy stare alone is enough to make Snow quake. She's sure something terrible will happen. But if she doesn't participate, Snow will be letting down her whole school, including her best friends. Snow needs Rapunzel, Ella, and Rose more than ever. But what match are the princesses for a powerful witch like Malodora?
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
1 |
2 |
The Princess School: Who's the Fairest?
September 1, 2004, Scholastic Paperbacks
in English
0439565537 9780439565530
4 |
Who's the Fairest? (Princess School)
September 2004, Tandem Library
School & Library Binding
in English
1417638362 9781417638369
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"Apple series."
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