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Last edited by LeadSongDog
May 22, 2013 | History
ISBN 1412902630 (4 volume set)
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Table of Contents
The 'Industrial Military Complex' in Historical Perspective
World War I
A Model for Technological Change Applied to the Turbojet Revolution
Research, Patents, and the Struggle to Control Radio
A Study of Big Business and the Uses of Industrial Research
From Competitor to Consumer
The Changing Focus of Federal Regulation of Advertising, 1914-1938
Eckert-Mauchly Computers
Conceptual Triumphs, Commercial Tribulations
The Political Economy of Demoralization
The State and the Coalmining Industry in Britain and America between the Wars
The Role of Energy Supplies During Western Europe's Golden Age, 1950-1972
Business Led' Organisation: British Rail, 1977-1979
Government Industry Relations in Britain's Public Sector
What have the Lawyers Done for American Business?
The Case of Baker and Botts of Houston
Ford Automates
Technology and Organization in Theory and Practice
Americanization and its Limits
Theory and Practice in the Reconstruction of Britain's Engineering Industries, 1945-55
Pharmaceutical Firms and the Transition to Biotechnology
A Study in Strategic Innovation
Industrial Development of Mainland China 1912-1949
Takeover Bids in Britain before 1950
An Exercise in Business 'Pre-History'
New Industries for Old?
Some Investment Decisions of Sir W G Armstrong-Whitworth & Co Ltd, 1900-1914
Lancashire's Last Stand
Declining Employment in the British Cotton Industry, 1950-1970
The British Experience of Profit Sharing
Scale & Scope - Review Colloquium
Diversity in Diversity
Flexible Production and American Industrialisation, 1880-1930
Stategic Manoeuvring and Mass Market Dynamics
The Triumph of VHS over Beta
IBM and its Imitators
Organizational Capabilities and the Emergence of the International Computer Industry
Organizing and Reorganizing the World Bank, 1946-1972
A Comparative Perspective
Elaborations, Revisions, Dissents
A D Chandler's The Visible Hand after Twenty Years
The Emergence of Big Business
The Largest Corporate Employers of Labour in the UK, Germany, USA, c.1907
The Apotheosis of Holding Company Accounting
Unilever's Financial Reporting Innovations from the 1920s to the 1940s
China, the US Navy, and the Bethlehem Steel Company, 1909-1929
Oil and Antitrust
The Oil Cartel Case and the Cold War
The Growth of the Transnational Industrial Firm in the United States and the United Kingdom
A Comparative Analysis
Technology Transfer as War Booty
The US Technical Oil Mission to Europe, 1945
The Emergence of US Multinational Enterprise
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 1910-1939
Japanese Multinationals in the United States
Continuity and Change, 1879-1990
The Green Revolution in India
A Case Study of Technological Change
The Marketing Strategies of Platt Bros & Co Ltd of Oldham, 1906-1940
Foreign Multinationals in British Manufacturing, 1850-1962
From Privilege to Popularity
The Growth of Leisure Air Travel since 1945
American Management Consulting Companies in Western Europe, 1920 to 1990:
Products, Reputation and Relationships
Gentleman and Players
Exit, Voice, Loyalty as Responses to Decline
The Rover Company in the Interwar Years
University Graduates in Japanese Enterprises before the Second World War
Business Education in Germany
Past Systems and Current Practice
Corporatism in Comparative Perspective
The Impact of the First World War on American and British Labor Relations
Entrepreneurial Dominance in Businesses Large and Small, Past and Present
The Corporation Nobody Knew
Bruce Barton, Alfred Sloan and the Founding of General Motors 'Family'
The Rise of Entrepreneurs in Nigerian Motor Transport
A Study in Indigenous Enterprise
Deconstructing Nuffield
The Evolution of Managerial Culture in the British Motor Car Industry
Not Rosie the Riveter
Women's Diverse Roles in the Making of the American Long-Distance Bus Industry
Show business in the living room'
Management expectations for American television, 1947-56
The Business Doctors
Accountants in British Management from the 19th Century to the Present Day
Ferranti and the accountant, 1896-1975
The Struggle Between Priorities and Reality
Nuclear Power and the Environment
The Atomic Energy Commission and Thermal Pollution, 1965-1971
The Enlightened Paternalist in Action
William Hesketh Lever at Port Sunlight before 1914
Working Environments
An Ecological Approach to Industrial Health and Safety
Where lie the boundaries of the corporation?
Explorations in corporate responsibility in the 1930s
Accounting and Control in Barclays Bank (DCO)
The Lending to Africans Episode
The Historical Development of Business Philanthropy
Social Responsibility in the New Corporate Economy
Compensating the Workers
Industrial Injury and Compensation in the British Asbestos Industry, 1930s-1960s
Toxic Purity
The Progressive Era Origins of America's Lead Paint Poisoning Epidemic
Turning Silk Purses into Sows' Ears
Environmental History and the Chemical Industry
History and the Global Corporate Governance Revolution
The UK Perspective
Ownership Responsibilities and Corporate Governance
The Crisis at Rolls Royce, 1968-1971
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