An edition of The Myth of Persecution (2013)

The Myth of Persecution

how early Christians invented a story of martyrdom

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October 18, 2020 | History
An edition of The Myth of Persecution (2013)

The Myth of Persecution

how early Christians invented a story of martyrdom

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A leading scholar on Christian history reveals how the early church forged stories of Christian martyrs and how the legacy of martyrdom is used today to condemn others as enemies and opponents.

Publish Date

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Previews available in: English

Book Details

Table of Contents

Martyrdom before Christianity
Christian borrowing of Jewish and pagan martyrdom traditions
Inventing martyrs in early Christianity
How persecuted were the early Christians?
Why did the Romans dislike Christians?
Myths about martyrs
The invention of the persecuted church
The dangerous legacy of a martyrdom complex

Edition Notes

Published in
New York


Library of Congress
BR1601.3 .M67 2013, BR1601.3.M67 2013

The Physical Object

308 p.
Number of pages
25 x x centimeters

Edition Identifiers

Open Library

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Work Description

In The Myth of Persecution, Candida Moss, a leading expert on early Christianity, reveals how the early church exaggerated, invented, and forged stories of Christian martyrs and how the dangerous legacy of a martyrdom complex is employed today to silence dissent and galvanize a new generation of culture warriors. According to cherished church tradition and popular belief, before the Emperor Constantine made Christianity legal in the fourth century, early Christians were systematically persecuted by a brutal Roman Empire intent on their destruction. As the story goes, vast numbers of believers were thrown to the lions, tortured, or burned alive because they refused to renounce Christ. These saints, Christianity's inspirational heroes, are still venerated today. Moss, however, exposes that the "Age of Martyrs" is a fiction. There was no sustained 300-year-long effort by the Romans to persecute Christians. Instead, these stories were pious exaggerations; highly stylized rewritings of Jewish, Greek, and Roman noble death traditions; and even forgeries designed to marginalize heretics, inspire the faithful, and fund churches. The traditional story of persecution is still taught in Sunday school classes, celebrated in sermons, and employed by church leaders, politicians, and media pundits who insist that Christians were -- and always will be -- persecuted by a hostile, secular world. While violence against Christians does occur in select parts of the world today, the rhetoric of persecution is both misleading and rooted in an inaccurate history of the early church. Moss urges modern Christians to abandon the conspiratorial assumption that the world is out to get Christians and, rather, embrace the consolation, moral instruction, and spiritual guidance that these martyrdom stories provide. - Publisher.

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October 18, 2020 Edited by MARC Bot import existing book
July 17, 2019 Edited by MARC Bot import existing book
August 26, 2013 Edited by Bryan Tyson Added new cover
August 26, 2013 Edited by Bryan Tyson Edited without comment.
August 26, 2013 Created by Bryan Tyson Added new book.