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September 26, 2013 | History
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Galileo Was Wrong: The Evidence from Church History
2013, Catholic Apologetics International
1939856035 9781939856036
Book Details
Table of Contents
About the Author. vi
Scripture Abbreviations. ix
Introduction. x
Chapter 14. 1
Scripture Passages Teaching Geocentrism. 17
How Much Authority Does Scripture Possess in Science?. 17
Language of Fact versus Language of Appearance. 24
Official Statements of the Catholic Magisterium. 27
Scriptural Passages Teaching a Stationary Earth. 30
Joshua 10:10-14. 30
Exegetical Details. 35
Galileo’s Interpretation of Joshua 10. 39
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 46:3-5. 47
Habakkuk 3:11. 48
2Kings 20:9-12. 49
2Chronicles 32:31. 49
Isaiah 38:7-8. 50
Psalm 8:3-6. 50
Psalm 19:1-6. 51
Galileo’s Interpretation of Psalm 19. 44
1Chronicles 16:30. 57
Psalm 93:1-2. 57
Psalm 96:9-11. 59
Psalm 75:2-4. 62
Psalm 104:5, 19. 62
Psalm 119:89-91. 63
Ecclesiastes 1:4-7. 64
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 43:1-10. 66
Job 9:6-10. 67
Job 22:13-14. 68
Job 26:7-9. 68
Job 26:10-11. 70
Proverbs 8:27-30. 70
Wisdom 7:15-22. 71
1Esdras 4:34. 72
Job 38:12-14. 72
Psalm 82:5. 73
Psalm 99:1. 73
Isaiah 13:13. 73
Isaiah 24:19-23. 74
Job 38:18: Constitution of the Firmament. 74
Chapter 15.
The Consensus of Church Fathers. 79
Geocentrism. 84
The Length of the Genesis Day. 105
The Firmament. 128
The Spherical Earth. 138
Chapter 16.
The Catholic Church’s Teaching on Geocentrism. 147
1979: John Paul II Reexamines Galileo Case. 147
1992: An Analysis of John Paul II’s Speech on Galileo. 153
A Logical and Inevitable Warning to the Church. 156
How Then Should the Church Proceed?. 160
A Detailed Analysis of John Paul II’s 1992 Speech. 166
Canon Giuseppe Settele’s Imprimatur. 187
The 1835 Index of Gregory XVI. 195
A Closer Look at the “Error of the Theologians”. 206
Cardinal Ratzinger: “The Crisis of Faith in Science”. 217
1500-1600: The Church Confronts Copernican Cosmology. 222
1566: Pius V and the Catechism of the Council of Trent. 226
Official Sanctions against Copernicanism. 236
1615: The Church Confronts Fr. Paolo Antonio Foscarini. 239
1616: The Church Confronts Galileo Galilei. 253
Excursus on Giordano Bruno. 257
Galileo’s Letter to Benedetto Castelli. 263
The Investigation of Galileo Continues. 284
1633: The Sentence and Punishment of Galileo. 304
1641: Galileo Converts to Geocentrism. 322
1639: Galileo’s Conversion to the True Catholic Faith. 336
1664: Alexander VII and the Index of Forbidden Books. 341
Alexander VII’s Bull: Speculatores Domus Israel. 342
1741: The First Index of Benedict XIV. 352
1758: The Second Index of Benedict XIV. 358
The Efforts of Pietro Lazzari for Galileo. 361
The Rebuff to Astronomer Joseph Lalande. 370
1742-1833: The Disclaimer on Newton’s Principia. 370
1822: Pius VII and Canon Settele’s Imprimatur. 379
1822: The Battle between Anfossi and Olivieri. 382
1820-1822: More Detail on the Settele Decisions. 435
1835: Gregory XVI’s Index of Forbidden Books. 441
1850: The Vatican Supports the 1633 Condemnations. 453
1893: Leo XIII’s Encyclical Providentissimus Deus. 453
1921: Benedict XV’s Encyclical In Praeclara Summorum. 460
1941: The Book of Pio Paschini on Galileo. 465
1616-1664: Are the Papal Decrees Infallible?. 466
1870: Vatican Council I, Magisterium & Modern Science. 480
1965: Vatican Council II’s Gaudium et Spes. 484
2003: Catholic Apologetics and Geocentrism. 487
St Pius X Society, Jason Winshel. 487
2010: Catholic Culture, Dr. Jeffrey Mirus. 496
2001: Fr. George Murphy, Ph.D. Physics. 505
“The Church Does not Teach Geocentrism Today”. 509
“The Church Fathers Did Not Debate Geocentrism”. 515
1965: Lumen Gentium 12: “The Whole Body...Cannot Err”. 520
The Signs of Apostasy. 522
Chapter 17.
Interpreting Genesis 1. 529
Its Geocentric Implications. 529
Protestant Interpretations of Genesis: Hugh Ross. 534
Higher Criticism: Raymond Brown, Stanley Jaki. 548
Genesis 1 Day/Night Sequence Revisited. 560
The Stars and the Speed of Light in Genesis 1. 566
Using the Redshift Formula for a Small Universe. 582
Critique of Ferdinand Crombette. 583
Bibliography. 589
Webliography. 685
Licenses and Permissions. 703
The Physical Object
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