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The OPTOMA (Ocean Prediction Through Observation, Modeling and Analysis) program, a joint NPS/Harvard program sponsored by ONR, seeks to understand the mesoscale (fronts, eddies, and jets) variability and dynamics of the California current systems and to determine the scientific limits to practical mesoscale ocean forecasting. To help carry out the aims of this project a series of cruises has been planned two subdomains, nocal and cencal. Optoma21 was a multidisciplinary study which took place from 7 to 20 July 1986 aboard the R/V Point Sur in the nocal domain. In addition to conducting a quasi- synoptic CTD/XBT mapping of a cool anomaly, meandering jet, and eddy system, measurements were made to determine: 1) the fine scale variability of the upper ocean mass and velocity fields; 2) the upper ocean nutrient, optical and phytoplankton fields; and 3) the structure of the zooplankton population. In this report, the CTD/XBT data are presented.
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Previews available in: English
Hydrographic data from the OPTOMA program: OPTOMA21 : 7-20 July 1986
1987, Naval Postgraduate School, Available from National Technical Information Service
in English
Book Details
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Title from cover.
"January 1987."
AD A176 638.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 53).
aq/aq cc:9116 06/08/99.
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