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We present in this study the architectural specification and feasibility determination for a real-time contour display generator. We begin by examining a recently reported, highly decomposable algorithm for contour surface display generation. We establish a piece of the total algorithm as the algorithm component. The algorithm component is that part of the algorithm that can be executed in parallel, independently from the computations performed on any other algorithm subpart. We propose an architecture for the algorithm component, and model that architecture in order to determine the real-time capability of the algorithm. We then model the larger system of multiple algorithm component processors. This modeling effort is performed with respect to a particular application requiring real-time contour surface display generation. A VSLI feasibility computation is then performed on the proposed architecture. The study ends with a look at the impact of real-time contour surface display generation on the design of the graphics display system. Keywords include: Algorithms; Architecture; Contouring; Contouring tree; Contour surface display generation, Real-time display generation.
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Title from cover.
"September 1984"--Cover.
"Prepared for: Chief of Naval Research, Arlington, VA 22217."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-19).
"Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited"--Cover.
Technical report; 1984.
ck/ 3/25/09.
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