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The following model problem examines the thermocapillary feedback mechanism important at the edge of weld pools and other materials processes. A pool of liquid with a flat horizontal free surface is bounded on one side by a vertical solid wall, which is maintained at a cold temperature to unit depth, and at a warmer temperature below; far away the fluid is at the warmer temperature. Surface tension is a decreasing function of temperature, so that the surface thermal gradient drives flow toward the corner. When convection is vigorous, the flow compresses the thermal gradient which is driving the flow; this positive feedback results in small local length scales and high velocities near the corner. This problem is examined through a detailed scaling analysis and through numerical simulation for a range of parameters.... Thermocapillary flow.
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Thermocapillary flow near a cold wall
1993, Naval Postgraduate School, Available from National Technical Information Service
in English
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Title from cover.
"Technical report for period January 1992 - December 1992."
AD A261 050.
Includes bibliographical references.
aq/aq cc:9116 01/20/98
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