An edition of Privatization for the public good? (2008)

Privatization for the public good?

welfare effects of private intervention in Latin America

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January 25, 2021 | History
An edition of Privatization for the public good? (2008)

Privatization for the public good?

welfare effects of private intervention in Latin America

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Cover of: Privatization for the public good?
Privatization for the public good?: welfare effects of private intervention in Latin America
2008, Inter-American Development Bank, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Distributed by Harvard University Press
Texte imprime : in English

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Foreword / Santiago Levy
On the social effects of privatizations in Latin America / Alberto Chong
Water expansion in shantytowns : health and savings / Sebastia n Galiani, Marti n Gonza lez-Rozada, Ernesto Schargrodsky
The impact of electricity sector privatization on public health / Marti n Gonza lez-Eiras, Marti n A. Rossi
Water sector privatization in Colombia / Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Mauricio Olivera
Stay public or go private? : a comparative analysis of water services between Quito and Guayaquil / Paul Carrillo, Orazio Bellettini, Elizabeth Coombs
Access to telephone services and household income in poor rural areas using a quasi-natural experiment in Peru / Alberto Chong, Virgilio Galdo, Ma ximo Torero
Learning from an incomplete electricity privatization process in rural Peru / Lorena Alca zar, Eduardo Nakasone, Ma ximo Torero.

Edition Notes

Bibliogr. p. [205]-227. Index.

Published in
Washington, D.C, Cambridge, Mass
Other Titles
Welfare effects of private intervention in Latin America, Foreword / Santiago Levy., On the social effects of privatizations in Latin America / Alberto Chong., Water expansion in shantytowns : health and savings / Sebastia n Galiani, Marti n Gonza lez-Rozada, Ernesto Schargrodsky., Impact of electricity sector privatization on public health / Marti n Gonza lez-Eiras, Marti n A. Rossi., Water sector privatization in Colombia / Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Mauricio Olivera., Stay public or go private? : a comparative analysis of water services between Quito and Guayaquil / Paul Carrillo, Orazio Bellettini, Elizabeth Coombs., Access to telephone services and household income in poor rural areas using a quasi-natural experiment in Peru / Alberto Chong, Virgilio Galdo, Ma ximo Torero., Learning from an incomplete electricity privatization process in rural Peru / Lorena Alca zar, Eduardo Nakasone, Ma ximo Torero.


Dewey Decimal Class
Library of Congress
HD4010.5 .P7525 2008, HD4009, HD4010.5 .P75 2008

The Physical Object

[Texte imprime ] :
1 v. (VII-240 p.) :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive
690699099, 178130369

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January 25, 2021 Edited by ImportBot import existing book
August 21, 2020 Edited by ImportBot import existing book
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