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Greek language, Greek philology, History, Greek language, historyEdition | Availability |
A companion to the ancient Greek language
2010, Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-Interscience
in English
1405153261 9781405153263
Companion to the Ancient Greek Language
2010, Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
in English
1444317407 9781444317404
Book Details
Table of Contents
Mycenaean texts : the Linear-B tablets / Silvia Ferrara
Phoinik?ia grammata : an alphabet for the Greek language / Roger D. Woodard
Inscriptions / Rudolph Wachter
Papyri / Arthur Verhoogt
The manuscript tradition / Niels Gaul
Phonology / Philomen Probert
Morphology and word formation / Michael Weiss
Semantics and vocabulary / Michael Clarke
Syntax / Evert van Emde Boas and Luuk Huitink
Pragmatics : speech and text / Egbert J. Bakker
Greek and Proto-Indo-European / Jeremy Rau
Mycenaean Greek / Rupert Thompson
Greek dialects in the archaic and classical ages / Stephen Colvin
Greek and Anatolian languages in the archaic and classical ages / Shane Hawkins
Linguistic diversity in Asia Minor during the Empire : Koine and the non-Greek languages / Claude Brixhe
Greek in Egypt / Sofia Torallas Tovar
Jewish and Christian Greek / Coulter H. George
Greek and Latin bilingualism / Bruno Rochette
Register variation / Andreas Willi
Female speech / Thorsten Fögen
Forms of address and markers of status / Eleanor Dickey
Technical languages : science and medicine / Francesca Schironi
Inherited poetics / Joshua T. Katz
Language and meter / Gregory Nagy
Literary dialects / Olga Tribulato
The Greek of epic / Olav Hackstein
The language of Greek lyric poetry / Michael Silk
The Greek of Athenian tragedy / Richard Rutherford
Oratory and Kunstprosa / Victor Bers
The literary heritage as language : Atticism and second sophistic / Lawrence Kim
Greek philosophers on language / Johannes M. van Ophuijsen and Casper de Jonge
The birth of grammar in Greece / Andreas U. Schmidhauser
Language as a system in ancient rhetoric and grammar / James I. Porter
Byzantine literature and the classical past / Staffan Wahlgren
Medieval and early modern Greek / David Holton and Io Manolessou
Modern Greek / Peter Mackridge.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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