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Medieval Manuscripts, Manuscripts, Transmission of textsEdition | Availability |
Studies in stemmatology II
2004, John Benjamins Pub., John Benjamins Publishing Company
in English
9027232229 9789027232229
2 |
Book Details
Table of Contents
Parallels between stemmatology and phylogenetics / Christopher Howe ... [et al.]
Problems of a highly contaminated tradition, the New Testament : stemmata of variants as a source of a genealogy for witnesses / Gerd Mink
Kinds of variants in the manuscript tradition of the Greek New Testament / Klaus Wachtel
How shock waves revealed successive contamination : a cardiogram of early sixteenth-century printed Dutch Bibles / August den Hollander
The manuscript tradition of the Cligés of Chrétien de Troyes : a stemmatological approach / Margot van Mulken
Genealogy by chance! : on the significance of accidental variation (parallelisms) / Ulrich Schmid
Constructing initial binary trees in stemmatology / Evert Wattel
Trouble in the trees! : variant selection and tree construction illustrated by the texts of Targum Judges / Willem F. Smelik
Scribal variations : when are they genealogically relevant, and when are they to be considered as instances of "mouvance"? / Lene Schøsler
The effects of weighting kinds of variants / Matthew Spencer ... [et al.]
Cluster analysis and the three level method in the study of the Gospels in Slavonic / Dina Mironova
Different kinds of tradition in Targum Jonathan to Isaiah / Alberdina Houtman
Valentin and Namelos discover their parentage : narrative elements in the family tree of an international medieval tale / Annelies Roeleveld, Erika Langbroek, and Evert Wattel.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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