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"The recent economic events driven by the big financial crisis of 2007-08 has cogently put to the fore the limits and drawbacks of the ruling research paradigm in macroeconomics. This volume goes to the root of the problem by offering a workable alternative to the renowned issue of the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic theory. Bringing together techniques from agent-based computational economics and statistical validation, the authors set the stage for a paradigmatic shift, elaborate on it with practical examples and provide an agenda for future research."--Publisher's website.
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Previews available in: English
Macroeconomics, Statistics, Microeconomics, Endogenous growth (Economics), Economics, Industrial organization (Economic theory), Economic development, Industrial management, Business & economics -> economics -> principles of macroeconomics, Business & economics -> economics -> economic development, Business & economics -> decision sciences -> business statistics, Business & economics -> decision sciences -> management science, Business & economics -> economics -> principles of microeconomics, Scw32000, Scw44000, Scs17010, Scw31010, Scw31000, 4662, 4680, 4383, 4091, 4026, Suco41170Edition | Availability |
Macroeconomics from the Bottom-up
May 28, 2013, Springer, Domenico Delli Gatti
8847025184 9788847025189
Macroeconomics from the Bottom-up
2011, Springer Milan
electronic resource /
in English
8847019702 9788847019706
3 |
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