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Edition | Availability |
Non-Archimedean L-Functions and Arithmetical Siegel Modular Forms (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
February 12, 2004, Springer
in English
- 2nd, augmented ed. edition
3540407294 9783540407294
Non-Archimedean l-Functions and Arithmetical Siegel Modular Forms
2003, Springer London, Limited
in English
3540451781 9783540451785
Book Details
First Sentence
"The starting point in the theory of zeta functions is the expansion of the Riemann zeta-function (s) into the Euler product: (s) = (1 - p-s)-1 = n-s (Re(s) > 1)."
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February 25, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
July 5, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
July 29, 2014 | Created by ImportBot | import new book |