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The Breadth of Symplectic and Poisson Geometry: Festschrift in Honor of Alan Weinstein (Progress in Mathematics)
November 30, 2004, Birkhäuser Boston
in English
- 1 edition
0817635653 9780817635657
Book Details
First Sentence
"This paper builds on three ideas pursued by Alan Weinstein in some of his many fundamental contributions to Poisson geometry: First, Lie algebroids play a prominent role in the study of Poisson manifolds [8, 30]; second, Poisson maps can be regarded as generalized momentum maps for actions of symplectic groupoids [25, 31]; third, Poisson structures on manifolds are particular examples of more general objects called Dirac structures [12, 13, 28]."
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Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Library of Congress MARC record
Better World Books record
marc_columbia MARC record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
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