An edition of Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions (2010)

Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions

Volume 2: Ageing and Dynamical Scaling Far from Equilibrium

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November 30, 2023 | History
An edition of Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions (2010)

Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions

Volume 2: Ageing and Dynamical Scaling Far from Equilibrium

This book is Volume 2 of a two-volume set describing two main classes of non-equilibrium phase-transitions. This volume covers dynamical scaling in far-from-equilibrium relaxation behaviour and ageing. Motivated initially by experimental results, dynamical scaling has now been recognised as a cornerstone in the modern understanding of far from equilibrium relaxation. Dynamical scaling is systematically introduced, starting from coarsening phenomena, and existing analytical results and numerical estimates of universal non-equilibrium exponents and scaling functions are reviewed in detail. Ageing phenomena in glasses, as well as in simple magnets, are paradigmatic examples of non-equilibrium dynamical scaling, but may also be found in irreversible systems of chemical reactions. Recent theoretical work sought to understand if dynamical scaling may be just a part of a larger symmetry, called local scale-invariance. Initially, this was motivated by certain analogies with the conformal invariance of equilibrium phase transitions; this work has recently reached a degree of completion and the research is presented, systematically and in detail, in book form for the first time. Numerous worked-out exercises are included. Quite similar ideas apply to the phase transitions of equilibrium systems with competing interactions and interesting physical realisations, for example in Lifshitz points.

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Cover of: Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions
Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions: Volume 2: Ageing and Dynamical Scaling Far from Equilibrium
2010, Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
electronic resource : in English

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Theoretical and Mathematical Physics


Library of Congress
QC175.16.P5 H46 2008, QC19.2-20.85QC173.45, QC19.2-20.85, QC175.16.P5 H46 2010

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Open Library
Internet Archive
9789048128686, 9789048128693
2010927415, 2008929635

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