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Reverendi in Christo Patris, Lanceloti, Episcopi VVintoniensis, Opuscula quaedam posthuma
1629, excudebat Felix Kyngston pro R[ichard]. B[adger]. & Andraea Hebb
in Latin
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Table of Contents
Edition Notes
Editors' dedication signed: "Guil: London: Io: Eliens:," i.e. William Laud and John Buckeridge.
The first leaf is blank except for signature-mark "A"; the last leaf is blank.
"Tvvo ansvvers to Cardinall Perron, and tvvo speeches in the Starr-Chamber" has separate dated title page naming Richard Badger and Andrew Hebb as publishers. It is printed as A3 and normally bound in that position, though it properly belongs at the beginning of part 2. Entered in stationer's register to Andrew Hebb by the consent of Richard Badger 21 May.--Cf. STC.
"Concio ad clerum in synodo provinciali Cantuariensis provinciae ad D. Pauli", "Concio Latine habita, coram Regia Maiestate, Vʻ́. Augusti, MDCVI. in aula Grenvici" (a reprint of STC 596), "Concio Latine habita, coram Regia Maiestate, XIIIʻ́. Aprilis, A.D. MDCXIII. in aula Grenvici", "Quaestionis, nunquid per ius divinum, magistratui liceat a reo iusiurandum exigere?", "De vsuris, theologica determinatio", and "Reverendi in Christo Patris Lanceloti Episcopi Wintoniensis responsiones ad Petri Molinaei epistolas tres" each have separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous.
"Stricturae: or, A briefe ansvver to the XVIII. chapter of the first booke of Cardinall Perron's reply written in French to King Iames -- his answer written by Mr. Casaubon in Latine" has separate dated title page, pagination, and register. Within this series, "A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber against the two iudiacall [sic] opinions of Mr. Traske" and "A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber, concerning vowes, in the Countesse of Shrewsburies case" each have separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous.
Signatures: Aþ́ aþ́ B-2Cþ́ 2Dþ́, (a)-(l)þ́ (m)℗ø
(625 is pt. of this) Includes reprint of 596. The answers to Davy du Perron attack the French orig. of 6385 and defend 14385 and defend 14367. [Stationer's register].
Ent. to R. Badger 10 se. 1628; pt. 2 ent. to A. Hebb 21 my. 1629. [Stationer's register].
STC (2nd ed.), 602
ESTC S122313
Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) copy bound in early sprinkled sheepskin panelled in blind with gilt board edges. All text block edges are sprinkled red, with a manuscript label at the head of the fore-edge. Marginalia, in an early hand (or hands), appears throughout, primarily in iron gall ink.
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