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Hē Thessalonikē sta chronia 1875-1912: Germanoi politikoi, diplōmates, kai syngrapheis aphēgountai gia tēn zōē, tous thesmous, kai tēn historikē topographia tēs polēs
1988, Ekdot. Oikos Aphōn Kyriakidē
in Modern Greek
- 2. ekdosē.
Hē Thessalonikē sta chronia 1875-1912: Germanoi politikoi, diplōmates kai syngrapheis aphēgountai gia tēn zōē, tous thesmous kai tēn historikē topographia tēs polēs
1981, Ekdot. Oikos Aphōn Kyriakidē
in Modern Greek
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Includes bibliographical references.
Title on added t.p.: Thessalonike in den Jahren 1875-1912.
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