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By order of the king, Lady Meiriona, 15, is to be given to a bastard warlord in marriage. Rather than see his daughter and his lands in the hands of a Yorkist, Meiriona's father ambushes Godric Montgomery when he comes to claim her-but only after a kiss she'll never forget....
Sold into slavery in the East, Godric becomes the plaything of an Arab princess. And when she gives birth to his daughter, he is given the child and set free. Seven years of Godric's life have been stolen-and nothing will stop him from exacting his vengeance upon the woman who betrayed him...
Over the years, Meiriona's dreams have been haunted by Godric's passionate touch. On the day she becomes the wife of another man, he returns to ruthlessly take what is his. Though Meiriona vows to resist her captor, a traitorous hunger for him consumes her, while the slightest surrender of her body inflames Godric's soul, setting a battle-scarred warrior against a new foe-his own heart...
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Romance fiction, Historical fiction, Romance-language fiction, Fiction, romance, historical, generalPeople
King Henry, Lancastrian, King Edward, YorkistTimes
1470-1477Edition | Availability |
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Feedback?November 2, 2021 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
July 29, 2021 | Edited by Wimsey1916 | Edited without comment. |
May 7, 2020 | Edited by nasirinsa2 | Added new cover |
April 14, 2020 | Edited by Kitten66 | added location & character's ages |
October 14, 2016 | Created by Mek | Added new book. |