Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus

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Last edited by i r firefly
January 24, 2017 | History

Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus

Translations of Oriental books, from Syriac, Ancient Greek, Ethiopic and Coptic, into French and English.
Contains the works:
I. — Rubens Duval.
Les « Homiliae cathedrales » de Sevère d’Antioche (Homélies LII à LVII). [Cathedral Homilies by Severus of Antioch]
II. — C. Wessely.
Les Plus anciens Monuments du Christianisme écrits sur papyrus. [The Most Ancient Monuments of Christianity Written on Papyrus]
III. — Mgr Addaï Scher et J. Périer.
Histoire nestorienne (Chronique de Séert) (1re partie, fasc. 1). [Nestorian History (Chronicle of Séert)]
IV. — Mgr Addaï Scher.
La Cause de la Fondation des Écoles (écrit de Mar Ḥadbšabba ʻArbaia, évêque de Ḥalwan). [Barhadbeshabba, Bishop of Halwan, Cause of the Foundation of the Schools]
V. — F. Nau et J. Bousquet.
Histoire de S. Pacome et de S. Jean-Baptiste. Miracle de S. Michel a Colosses. [History of S. Pacome and S. John the Baptist. Miracle of S. Michael at Colossae]
VI. — E.-J. Goodspeed et W. E. Crum.
The Life of Severus patriarch of Antioch, by Athanasius (of Antioch).

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Cover of: Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
1908, Firmin-Didot et Cie
Hardcover in Syriac, French, Ancient Greek, Ethiopic, English, and Coptic
Cover of: Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
1908, Firmin-Didot et Cie
Hardcover in Syriac, French, Ancient Greek, Ethiopic, English, and Coptic
Cover of: Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
1908, Firmin-Didot et Cie
Hardcover in Syriac, French, Ancient Greek, Ethiopic, English, and Coptic
Cover of: Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
Patrologia Orientalis: Tomus Quartus
1908, Firmin-Didot et Cie
Hardcover in Syriac, French, Ancient Greek, Ethiopic, English, and Coptic

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Table of Contents

Les Homiliae cathedrales de Sevère d’Antioche, traduction syriaque de Jacques D’Édesse publiée et traduite par R. Duval, Professeur au Collège de France. Homélies LII-LVII
Page n14
Les Plus anciens Monuments du Christianisme écrits sur papyrus, textes grecs édités, traduits et annotés par le Dr Charles Wessely, Conservateur de la Bibliothèque impériale de Vienne.
Page n110
Histoire nestorienne Inédite (Chronique de Séert) première partie (I), publiée par Mgr Addai Scher, Archevèque Chaldéen de Séert (Kurdistan), avec le concours de M. l’Abbé J. Périer
Page n238
Mar Barḥadbšabba ʻArbaya, évêque de Ḥalwan (VIe Siècle). Cause de la Fondation des Écoles, texte syriaque publié et traduit par Mgr Addai Scher, Archevèque Chaldéen de Séert (Kurdistan)
Page 317
Recueil de Monographies. II. Histoire de Saint Pacome (Une rédactione inédite des ascetica) texte grec des manuscrits Paris 881 et chartres 1754 avec une traduction de la version syriaque et une analyse du manuscrit de Paris Suppl. Grec 480 par J Bousquet et F. Nau
Page 407
The Conflict of Severus patriarch of Antioch, by Athanasius, Ethiopic text edited and translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed, assistant professor in the University of Chicago, with the remains of the Coptic versions by W. E. Crum
Page 571

Edition Notes

In various languages with French translations.

Published in
Patrologia Orientalis, Tomus Quartus; Patrologia Orientalis, Book Four; Patrologia Orientalis, Book IV; Patrologia Orientalis, Book 4; Patrologia Orientalis, Volume IV; Patrologia Orientalis, Volume 4
Other Titles
Cathedral Homilies by Severus of Antioch; The Oldest Monuments of Christianity Written on Papyrus; The Most Ancient Monuments of Christianity Written on Papyrus; Nestorian Chronicle of Séert; Nestorian History (Chronicle of Séert); Barhadbeshabba, Bishop of Halwan, Cause of the Foundation of the Schools; Collection of Monographs. II. History of Saint Pacome; History of S. Pacome and S. John the Baptist. Miracle of S. Michael at Colossae; Miracle of S. Michael at Colossus


Library of Congress
BQ 310 .M37 Vol.4


François Nau
René Graffin
R. Duval
Dr Charles Wessely
Mgr Addai Scher
J. Périer
J. Bousquet
F. Nau
Edgar J. Goodspeed
W. E. Crum
Firmin-Didot et Cie, Mesnil, Eure, France
Firmin-Didot et Cie, Imprimeurs-Editeurs, 56, Rue Jacob, Paris

The Physical Object

[10], 725, [5] p.
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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January 24, 2017 Edited by i r firefly Corrected punctuation around Homiliae cathedrales
January 12, 2017 Edited by i r firefly Update covers
January 12, 2017 Edited by i r firefly Added new cover
January 11, 2017 Edited by i r firefly Edited without comment.
January 11, 2017 Created by i r firefly Added new book.