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This guide for teenage girls explains why girls can sometimes be mean to each other, what to do if you are a victim of bullying, and the importance of treating other girls with respect.
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Previews available in: English
Conduct of life, Teenage girls, Conflict management, Bullies, Girls, Teenagers, Bullying, Interpersonal relations, Interpersonal conflict in adolescence, Prevention, Psychology, Tonårsflickor, Psykologi, Livsföring, Mobbning, Bullying, juvenile literature, Youth, Values, juvenile literatureEdition | Availability |
Girls against girls: how to stop bullying and build better friendships
2011, A. & C. Black
in English
140814820X 9781408148204
Girls against girls: why we are mean to each other and how we can change
2009, Zest Books
in English
097901736X 9780979017360
Book Details
Table of Contents
Why we hurt each other
Methods of our meanness
Bearing the brunt of it
Calling in reinforcements
Stopping the cycle
Teaming up instead of trearing each other down
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August 2, 2020 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
December 13, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
May 15, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
May 6, 2017 | Created by ImportBot | import new book |