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A young boy living in the Ozarks achieves his heart's desire when he becomes the owner of two redbone hounds and teaches them to be champion hunters.
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Previews available in: English
Social Issues - Friendship, Juvenile Fiction, Children's Books/Ages 9-12 Fiction, Children: Grades 4-6, Social Situations - Adolescence, Social Issues - Adolescence, Classics, Juvenile Fiction / Social Situations / Adolescence, Children's 9-12 - Literature - Classics / Contemporary, Action & Adventure - General, Animals - Dogs, Fiction, children's classics, dogs, hounds, mountains, young adult fiction, Classic Literature, Hunting dogs, Human-animal relationships, Hunting, Children's literature, Fiction in English, Large type books, animals, coming of age, death & grieving, 4th grade reading books, 5th grade reading books, award winning childrens books, Death, Hounds, Dogs, Children's fiction, Family, fiction, Values, fictionPeople
Billy Colman, Little Ann, Old Man Pritchard, Mrs. Pritchard, Grandpa, Mama, Papa, Rainie, Old Dan, RubinPlaces
Ozark Mountains, Glendale College Library, United States, Illinois River, Tahlequah, OklahomaTimes
20th CenturyEdition | Availability |
Where the Red Fern Grows with Connections
2000, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, HOLT MCDOUGAL
in English
0030547741 9780030547744
Book Details
Edition Notes
Novel, followed by narratives and excerpts from related stories and a biographical sketch of the author.
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Source records
Library of Congress MARC recordBetter World Books record
Promise Item
Internet Archive item record
Work Description
Where the Red Fern Grows
The pine of Akoya (Japanese folk tale) / retold by Rafe Martin --
The Christmas hunt (short story) / by Borden Deal --
Him (novel extract) from Bambi: a life in the woods / by Felix Salten --
Hunting yarns / compiled by Kemp P. Battle --
Mart Moody's bird dog (tall tale) / retold by Robert Bethke --
Davy Crockett meets his match (tall tale) --
Paul Bunyan's cornstalk (tall tale) / retold by Harold Courlander --
Momma's store (autobiography extract) from I know why the caged bird sings / by Maya Angelou --
Princess (short story) / by Nicholasa Mohr --
The saddest day the summer had (short story) / by Dick Perry --
Bloody murder (novel extract) from The original adventures of Hank the cowdog / by John R. Erickson --
Wilson Rawls (biographical sketch).
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February 28, 2022 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
December 5, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
August 11, 2019 | Edited by Lisa | Edited without comment. |
August 11, 2019 | Edited by Lisa | Edited without comment. |
February 15, 2018 | Created by Lisa | fixed title |