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This is a review, hints, tips, strategy, guide book featuring 70 home video games, for the Atari Video Computer System, {Atari 2600}, Mattel Intellivision, Magnovox Odyssey 2, and ColecoVision. There are also descriptions of the Atari 5200, and Emerson Arcadia various other products that would later be released, or cancelled. Each game has at least one color screenshot, and the games are reviewed on various properties, including; The game's "Manufacturer", "Number of players" "Price", "Rating" of overall difficulty, "Graphics", "Game Play {Fun}", "Longevity", The book also features photographs of players, along with quotes from them about the game.
==Books in the "Editors of Consumer Guide"/Publications International Ltd. video game series, those with * * represent reprinted versions of the books listed above, usually with a different title, but with the same contents.
* The Complete Book of Video Games, {1977} ISBN: 0446844493
* How to Win at Video Games, ISBN: 0517381192 {1982, Magazine size}, ISBN: 0671458418 {1982, book size}
* How to Win at Pac-Man, ISBN: 0671453610, {1982} {Revised and Updated} ISBN: 0671460722, {Penguin Books version} ISBN: 0140065423
* How To at Win Donkey Kong, ISBN: 067145840X {1982}
* How to Win at ET, The Video Game, ISBN: 0517408414 {1982, Magazine size}, ISBN: 0440137675 {1983, Book size}
* Pac-Mania: Top Strategies For Home & Arcade Pac-Man, ISBN: 0517389150 {1982}
* How to Win at Video Games: Complete Strategies for Top Arcade Games, ISBN: 0517424703 {1983}
* How to Win at Home Video Games, ISBN: 0727018205 {1983}
* Nintendo Strategies {1989} ISBN: 0517687348 {Red cover spiral bound, no "Editors of Consumer Guide" on cover.}
* * Nintendo Strategies {1989} ISBN: 0881766984 {Red cover, glue spine, with "Editors of Consumer Guide" on cover.}
* * Nintendo Strategies {White cover, standard paperback version, glued spine, no ISBN listed, and no "Editors of Consumer Guide" on cover. Cover price $4.95}
* * Strategies for Nintendo Games {Yellow cover, ISBN 0881767212 listed on title page, says "Editors of Consumer Guide" on cover, and price $12.95.}
* More Strategies for Nintendo Games {1989} {Blue cover, spiral bound, ISBN: 0517695774}
* * More Strategies for Nintendo Games {Blue cover, glued spine, no barcode} 0881767743
* Winning Tips For Nintendo: Newest Game Strategies, {1990} ISBN: 1561730076.
* Winner's Guide to Nintendo, {1991} ISBN: 1561735205
* Winning at Nintendo: Hot Tips for the Coolest Games, ISBN: 0881769959
* * Hot Tips for the Coolest Nintendo Games, {1989} ISBN: 1561730068
* More Hot Tips For Nintendo, {1991} ISBN: 1561731463
* Nintendo Fun: The Book for Beginners, {1990} ISBN: 1561730971
* More Nintendo Fun: The Book for Beginners, {1991} ISBN: 1561733261
* Super Strategies For Nintendo, {1991} ISBN: 0517073307 {Hero being held at door opening cover}, ISBN: 1561733512 {Fox with gun, near field cover}, and the last with ISBN number, instead there is a barcode 07098937935002 {Two kids and cat on flying ship being shot at by missle launcher, marked on cover as "Super Strategies For Nintendo No. 2", but contains the same contents}.
==Super Nintendo
* Super Nintendo: PlayAction Strategies, ISBN: 1561738530
==Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
* Hot Tips for Sega Genesis, ISBN: 0451822811 {Signet Special}
* * Winning Tips for the Sega Genesis, ISBN: 0785304983 {Publications International, no "Editors of Consumer Guide" on cover.}
== Other 'Video Game' themed books by Publications International, without the "Editors of Consumer Guide" on cover.
* Winning Game Tips for Sonic the Hedgehog, ISBN: 0785307834
* Sonic The Hedgehog Look and Find, ISBN: 0785308490 {Hardback}
* * Sonic The Hedgehog Look and Find, ISBN: 0785311394 {Paperback}
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Video Games, Videogames, Electronic Entertainment, Games, Hobbies, Hints, Tips, Strategy, Strategy Guide, Guide Book, Hint Book, Atari Video Computer System, Atari CVS, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Emerson Arcadia, Arcadia, Mattel Intellivision, Intellivision, Odyssey2, Odyssey 2, Magnovox Odyssey 2, ColecoVision, Asteroids, Major League Baseball, MLB, Berzerk, Defender, Defender (Video Game), Demon Attack, Donkey Kong, K.C. Munchkin, Pac-Man, Pitfall!, Space Hawk, Communist Mutants from Space, Kaboom!, Star Strike, Yars' Revenge, Megamania, Space Armada, Astrosmash, Shark Attack, Beauty and the Beast, Pick Axe Pete, Skiing, Volleyball, The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Superman, Towering Inferno, Cosmic Swarm, Missile Command, Space Invaders, StarMaster, Fishing Derby, Lost Luggage, Stampede, Super Breakout, Adventure, Haunted House, Quest for the Rings, Utopia, Circus Atari, Demons to Diamonds, Fireball, Freeway, Frogger, K.C.'s Krazy Chase, Submarine, Commander, Warlords, Cosmic Conflict, Jawbreaker, King Kong, Lady Bug, Monkeyshines, Mousetrap, Night Stalker, Room of Doom, Grand Prix, Home Run, Indy 500, NFL Football, PBA Bowling, Racquetball, Trick Shot, Turbo, Alien Invaders-Plus, Phaser Patrol, Space Battle, Space Caverns, Star Raiders, Star Voyager, Stellar Track, ZaxxonEdition | Availability |
How to Win at Home Video Games
1983, Rigby Publishers
Spiral Bound
in English
0727018205 9780727018205
Book Details
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Community Reviews (0)
June 6, 2020 | Edited by TearyEyesAnderson | removed ISBN: 0874552834, wasn't part of series |
June 6, 2020 | Edited by TearyEyesAnderson | desc fix |
June 6, 2020 | Edited by TearyEyesAnderson | desc update |
April 27, 2018 | Edited by "Teary Eyes" Anderson | desc fix |
April 5, 2018 | Created by "Teary Eyes" Anderson | Added new book. |