A Declaration Concerning the newly invented Art of Double Writing

Wherein are expressed the reasons of the Authors proceedings in procuring a Priviledge for the same : As also of the Time, Manner, and Price, of the discovery of the said Art, and of the Instruments belonging thereunto. For the satisfaction of all that desire to be partakers of the great benefit of the same, before they adventure anything towards the reward thereof. Whereunto is annexed a copie of an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, approving the feasibility and great use of the said invention, and allowing a Priviledge to the Inventor, for the sole benefit thereof for 14 years, upon the penalty of one hundred pounds.

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Last edited by Dick Bos
July 18, 2018 | History

A Declaration Concerning the newly invented Art of Double Writing

Wherein are expressed the reasons of the Authors proceedings in procuring a Priviledge for the same : As also of the Time, Manner, and Price, of the discovery of the said Art, and of the Instruments belonging thereunto. For the satisfaction of all that desire to be partakers of the great benefit of the same, before they adventure anything towards the reward thereof. Whereunto is annexed a copie of an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, approving the feasibility and great use of the said invention, and allowing a Priviledge to the Inventor, for the sole benefit thereof for 14 years, upon the penalty of one hundred pounds.

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A pamphlet of 6 leaves, written by Sir William Petty (1623-1687) and first published in 1648. This pamphlet contained information regarding his invention of the "Art of Double Writing", especially a claim for patent rights. It did not contain any information on what his invention exactly was.

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July 18, 2018 Edited by Dick Bos short intro
July 18, 2018 Edited by Dick Bos Added new cover
July 18, 2018 Edited by Dick Bos wikipedia & wikisource links
July 18, 2018 Created by Dick Bos Added new book.