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Royal Albert Asylum for the education and training of idiots & imbeciles belonging to Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Westmorland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland: seventh annual report
1872, printed by E. and J. L. Milner
in English
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Following the first 2 annual reports (January and December 1866), the Northern Counties' Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles was called the Royal Albert Asylum. Reports for 1866-7, 1867-8, 1868-9, 1869-70 and 1870-71 largely concern the construction of the hospital and its finance. The first admissions were in December 1871.
Consists of an illustration of the asylum, a list of presidents, trustees, governors and committee members, a report of the general meeting at Bradford, 29 September 1871, the report of the central committee (Edward Denis de Vitré, chairman) including the report of the Commissioners in Lunacy (R. W. Lutwidge and James Wilkes), the medical superintendent's report (G. E. Shuttleworth), the auditors' report (Rees, White & Co.), a financial statement, a prospectus (Edward Denis de Vitre, James Diggens), general rules and regulations, general and local subscription lists and a list of clergymen and ministers.
Bound with reports covering 1865-79 (publ.1866-80)
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