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Anasthesie, Nervensystem, Anesthesia in neurology, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Complications et sequelles, Handbooks, manuals, Anesthesie en neurologie, NEUROSURGERY, Complications, Surgery, Nervous system, Anesthesia, Neurochirurgie, Neurosurgical Procedures, Anaesthetics, Neurology & clinical neurophysiology, Handbooks, manuals, etc, Medical, Medical / Nursing, Neurology - General, Handbooks, Medical / AnesthesiologyEdition | Availability |
Handbook of neuroanesthesia
2007, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
in English
- 4th ed.
0781762456 9780781762458
Handbook of Neuroanesthesia
September 1, 2006, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
in English
- 4 edition
0781762456 9780781762458
Book Details
Table of Contents
Physiology and metabolism of the brain and spinal cord / Ira S. Kass
Effects of anesthesia on cerebral and spinal cord physiology / Rosemary Hickey
Neurophysiologic monitoring / M. Sean Kincaid and Arthur M. Lam
Cerebral protection and resuscitation / Myrna I. Morales, Janet Pittman, and James E. Cottrell
Management of pain in the neurosurgical patient / Timothy R. Deer
Anesthetic management of head trauma / Takefumi Sakabe and Audrée A. Bendo
Anesthesia for supratentorial tumors / Nicolas J. Bruder and Patrick A. Ravussin
Anesthesia for posterior fossa surgery / Deborah J. Culley and Gregory Crosby
Anesthetic management of intracranial aneurysms / Philippa Newfield and Audrèe A. Bendo
Ischemic cerebrovascular disease / Ian A. Herrick, Miquel F. Arango, and Adrian W. Gelb
Neuroendocrine tumors: pathophysiology / David L. Schreibman and M. Jane Matjasko
Epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, awake craniotomy for tumor surgery, and intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging / Pirjo Hellen Manninen and Jee Jian See
Spinal cord: injury and procedures / Gary R. Stier ... [et al.]
Pediatric neuroanesthesia / Philippa Newfield, Lawrence H. Feld, and Rukaiya K.A. Hamid
Neurosurgery in the pregnant patient / David J. Wlody and Lela D. Weems
Anesthetic management of therapeutic interventional neuroradiologic procedures / Shailendra Joshi, Sundeep Mangla, and William L. Young
Anesthetic management of diagnostic neuroradiology / Deborah M. Whelan, Melissa A. Laxton, and Patricia H. Petrozza
Complications in the postanesthesia care unit / Jean G. Charchaflieh and Samrat H. Worah
Respiratory care of the neurosurgical patient / Irene Rozet and Karen B. Domino
Cardiovascular therapy / Steven J. Allen and C. Lee Parmley
Fluid management / Concezione Tommasino
Nutritional support in the critically ill patient / John M. Taylor and Linda Liu
Traumatic brain injury, stroke, and brain death / Seth Manoach and Jean G. Charchaflieh.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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