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Romanov, House of, Kings and rulers, Biography, History, Romanov, house ofEdition | Availability |
The Romanovs: ruling Russia, 1613-1917
2008, Hambledon Continuum
in English
1847252133 9781847252135
Book Details
Table of Contents
Romanov roots: 1613-1645. Michael
The pious Tsars: 1645-1696. Alexis, Fedor and Ivan V
Transformation: 1682-1725. Peter the Great
The age of empresses and palace revolutions: 1725-1762. Catherine I, Peter II, Anna, Ivan VI, Elizabeth, Peter III
Philosopher on the throne: 1762-1796. Catherine II
The Napoleonic era: 1796-1825. Paul I and Alexander I
Consistent autocracy: 1825-1855. Nicholas I
Reform and reaction: 1855-1894. Alexander II and Alexander III
The last Romanov: Nicholas II. (i) 1894-1913
From celebration to annihilation: Nicholas II. (ii) 1913-1918
Postscript: 1918-2007: the Romanovs return.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Physical Object
ID Numbers
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San Francisco Public Library recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record record
marc_columbia MARC record
Better World Books record
harvard_bibliographic_metadata record
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