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Historical ChronologyEdition | Availability |
L'art de vérifier les dates des faits historiques, des chartes, des chroniques et autres anciens monumens, depuis la naissance de Notre-Seigneur
1783, A. Jombert jeune
in French
- 3. éd / Par un religieux Bénédictin de la Congrégation de S. Maur ..
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Edition Notes
Title vignette; head-pieces.
Begun in 1743 by Maur François Dantine. After his death in 1746, it was completed and published in 1750 by Charles Clémencet and Ursin Durand. In 1770 the 2d edition appeared (Paris, in-fol.) published by François Clément who also published this, the 3d edition.
Appended to v. 3: Supplément fourni par M. Ernst.
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